Welcome back to the start of our new academic year, we hope you all had a wonderful summer.

It’s been lovely to catch up with familiar faces, and also welcome new families to our nursery.

During the summer break the staff meet for two training days where we discussed our plans for the coming year, more effective ways of planning, and the changes to the way we offer our service. we also worked hard to make a lovely cosy reading/relaxing space for the Daisies room. If the parents from the Daisies room could bring us in a family photo we can add these to our photo mantelpiece to add that extra special homely feel to their new area, it also provides a great point for talking with their teachers and friends.

We managed to successfully secure funding from ‘children in need’ to provide some great extra curriculum activities for the children, the first event we have booked is the: Childrens travelling pantomime. We are also planning to organize a family trip in December, we will be discussing possible venue ideas at the next parent’s committee meeting.

Change of times

As some of you may already know the Under 5’s has now lost all of our financial support from Greenwich council, which means we have had to make big changes to the way we offer our service to become sustainable, we are still passionate about maintaining our charity status and continue to be a ‘not for profit’ organisation.

We thank You for your support during this transitional period.

Some of the main changes are listed below

  • The under 5’s is now open Monday- Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm,
  • additional hours and top up hours are available (space permitting), please see Sarah in the office if you would like to change/increase your hours.
  • We now offer a breakfast club from 08.00-08.45, you can access this via your normal free entitlement or fee paying hours. There is no extra cost for breakfast.
  • Breakfast club – (not part of booked timeslot). If you would like to book in as an extra at breakfast club the cost is £2.00 per day for over 3’s and £3.00 for under 3’s.Parents committee

    Ella is looking to invite some new parents on to our parent’s committee, we have our first meeting booked for Thursday 29th September. There will be two different times available 09.00am & 1.00pm, this will enable as many parents/carers as possible have the opportunity to attend.  We will be discussing plans for the nursery in the coming year, and where to go on our trips. Refreshments will be provided.


    Our learning goals this term: Working alongside our story focus: The Gingerbread man, we will be sharing the story at group times, so the children can become familiar with the characters and narrative.  we will then be extending on this by making our own gingerbread characters using wooden spoons so we can tell our own stories of the gingerbread man. We will also be making our own gingerbread house from a variety of different resources, and decorating a yummy gingerbread man for the children to take home.

    You will see a display of how busy the children have been working in our room in the next few weeks so please come in and have a look!

    Our ongoing learning goal is to welcome all our new families to the under 5’s and to help their children settle and feel happy and safe at the setting.

    Michelle – Buttercups


    Our learning goals this term: This term we will be focusing on 2 stories – Goldilocks and the 3 bears and The three little pigs. We will be making and tasting porridge, learning about differences such as hot, cold, hard, soft, large and small. We will go on walks through the forest and build our own houses using straw, sticks and Lego bricks to see which one is the strongest.

    Our ongoing goal is to welcome all our new children and families to the Under Fives and to welcome our transitioning children from Buttercups, helping everyone feel safe, secure and settled.

    We are introducing Star of the week certificates which will be presented towards the end of each week. This will help to encourage your child to join in with tidying up as well as extending their listening and understanding skills whilst promoting positive behavior.  This will also give the children a sense of pride and achievement.

    Jemma – Daisies


    Book change days are Wednesday and Friday. We like to work in partnership with you, so by reading a book with your child and leaving comments for us in your child’s contact book, you will be helping us to choose the next book to take home and plan appropriately for your child reflecting their interests and developmental needs.


    Christmas pantomime

    We are very pleased to confirm we have booked in the THEATREBUGS travelling pantomime to come and visit the nursery on Monday 19th December at 09.30am. they will be hosting an interactive Christmas show titled ‘The Missing Stockings’ Children who do not usually attend this day/session are more that welcome to come, please see Sarah who will make arrangements. We will be sending out flyers nearer the time.


    Fairy Night

    The staff will be trying something new this year and hosting our first ever ‘Fairy night’. This will take place on the evening of Friday 2nd December, at the end of school children will leave notes and snacks out for the fairies. The staff will be staying late to magically transform the nursery into a Christmas delight ready for the children to return Thursday morning. We will of course be giving full credit to the ‘fairies’. There may even be one or two staying for Christmas.



    During the summer break Sarah has been meeting with a website designer and our new website is under construction, we are aiming to have it launched by the end of the month. We are hoping you will be able to use this to find out up and coming news, copies of our policies and procedures, prices and availability, term dates, photo gallery and an assortment of other useful information.

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